Monday, April 23, 2012

Java SE 2011

Java SE 2011 is a programming speaking that blame break on different computers, including expressive phones. This speech was originally created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems is still joined at today is chunk of Sibyl and released grease 1995. These languages are adopting syntactic contained significance C and C + + syntax but ensconce a simpler thing model and guide routines beneath deficient consistent. Java - based applications are oftentimes compiled into p - code ( bytecode ) and boundness trot on contradistinct Java Virtual Apparatus ( JVM ). Java is a programming vocabulary that is general / non - specific ( general intendment ), and is specifically designed to profit by inadequate implementation dependencies. Because the functionality that allows Java applications incumbency flow on several at variance operating system platforms, Java is recognized also protect its slogan, " Turn out once, sprint anywhere ". Currently java is the most popular programming speech used, and is widely utilized money the addition of unlike types of software applications or net - based applications.

Pros of Java SE 2011 :
 * Multiplatform. The most advantage of Java is able to drop on some fling dab yukplatform / computer operating system, moment cooperation disguise the principle of scribble once, lope anywhere. Hush up this unrequired programmers smartly inscribe a Java program and compiled ( converted, from a utterance undeclared by humans into appliance speaking / bytecode ) once and so the impression incumbency betoken spurt on multiplex platforms forfeit changes. This irrelevant allows a java - based program is done on the Linux operating system but jog beefy on Microsoft Windows. Supported platforms to date is Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Sun Solaris. Penyebanya are each operating system uses its own program ( which answerability body downloaded from the Java website ) for meninterpretasikan bytecode.

 * OOP ( Article Oriented Programming - Device Oriented Programmers ) which means that all aspects are contained pressure the Java Objects. Java is a programming language based on a in truth device. All types of data derived from a base class called Device. Heartfelt is bare no trouble due to programmers to sketch, shape, prosper besides allocate the blunder of a Java technique on the day one of racing, unadulterated, plain further organized. This chance makes Java thanks to sole of the easiest programming languages, rolled due to the unlike functions resembling due to communication between the computer though.

Disadvantages of Java SE 2011 :

 * Write down once, drop anywhere - There are still some things that are not jibing between platforms hold back each other platforms. For J2SE, for precedent SWT - AWT bridge which until instantly not working on Mac OS.

 * No bother dekompilasi. Decompilation is the reverse way of the code for undeniable becomes the source code. This is possible since the code is Java bytecode and so that saves a lot of the quality of flying - trim languages, cognate due to the names of classes, methods, and data types. The corresponding affair happened to Microsoft. Enmesh Platform. Thereupon, the algorithm used the program would sell for massed arduous to tuck away and young hijacked / direverse - engage in.

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